Monday, May 12, 2008

Some featured plants...

Our gardens are pretty much bursting at the seams right now with plants! Among the very cool and unusual things we have available right now, you'll find HUGE selection of sedums and succulents and other plants that have amazing color and foliage and don't require much water.

The Aeonium family contains some of our favorite types of plants right now. These specimens have unusual color, unique shapes and textures and can blend well in a variety of settings. Check out more info on them here.

Montanoa grandiflora

We also just got two five gallon sized awesome looking specimens of Montanoa grandiflora in this past week. This plant can be grown as a large shrub or small tree, getting up to about 8 or 12 feet tall, and has AMAZING blooms, check out some photos and a write up here.

If you haven't stopped by in a while, do so ASAP - our gardens are looking pretty amazing right now and it's the PERFECT time of year to get back out into your yard!

See you soon!

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