Saturday, August 04, 2012

New stuff!

Ah, summer! It's been so lovely that we haven't even been blogging lately....

We just got a bunch of new stuff in this week - photos soon, but check out some of our newest additions:

Angelica gigas - a great, dramatic addition to any garden!

Clematis tangutica - had no idea HOW COOL these clematis were until we got them in! Some are even in bloom. We are totally taking one for our own garden!

Vernonia altissima - great for woodland gardens, it attracts butterflies too.

Orphium frutescens 'Sea Rose' - we had this in earlier in the year, and it sold out quick! Really amazng blooms on this South African native.

Asarina scadens  - one of many great vines we have in stock right now!

These are just a few of the many great plants we have in right now. Take advantage of the lovely weather we are having this summer and bring home some new treasures for your garden!

See you soon!

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