Saturday, July 07, 2012

In the garden this weekend...

Took a few quick shots this afternoon of just some of what we've got in the garden this weekend. These mild summer days are just begging us to get planting! A big order of Annie's Annuals came in yesterday too, stop by and check it out - some really cool stuff.... enjoy!

We heart euphorbias!

Sedums! Lots of 'em!

"Regal Lilly" - this one bloomed a little prematurely in the 4" container (!) but soooooo cool - come take one home and be wowed each spring!

We have lots of asclepias varieties in right now - great plant for butterflies!

Gunnera - one of our all time favorites!

Begonia Gene Daniels - we promise it will make you re-think begonias, it totally changed our mind!

Pretty asters!

Dicliptera suberecta  - we LOVE this one, have it growing i our own gardens!

Scleranthus biflorus. Australian Astroturf. You need this. Trust us. It attracts gnomes.

Echiums! Lots of fun varieties of them! Everyone should grow echiums!

Red leaf hibiscus. Really unusual. And awesome. Looooooooooooove.

Lovely rumex!

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